Welcome to Intersense

Innovative Optical Sensing for Real-Time Surface Analysis

Our advanced technology provides precise, real-time 3D profiling of fluid and reflective surfaces, adaptable to a wide range of industrial applications.

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About Our Technology

We have developed an advanced optical sensing device designed to measure and monitor fluid surfaces. Utilising digital holography and digital processing, our device provides real-time 3D profile reconstructions of transparent liquids, thin films, and other reflective surfaces.

This technology is adaptable to various scenarios, from room temperature to cryogenic environments, making it ideal for a wide range of industrial applications.

The Challenge

Mapping fluid interfaces and surfaces in both space and time is a complex task due to their diverse physical and chemical properties. Industries such as food production, semiconductor fabrication, adhesive and bonding, and automotive manufacturing face significant challenges in ensuring the quality and integrity of products like surface coatings, liquid samples and thin films.

Traditional monitoring methods often involve invasive techniques, small coverage area, and are limited by the conditions of the working environment, making real-time, non-destructive measurement challenging.

Our Solution

Our optical sensing device addresses these challenges with a streamlined hardware setup using off-the-shelf optical components and a fast machine vision or scientific camera. The sensor's modular design ensures portability and allows operation in both visible and infrared spectrums. It dynamically probes areas using a low-power expanded laser beam, ensuring safety and compliance with standard health and safety requirements.


We employ a proprietary signal-processing algorithm to digitally process interference patterns and live-stream the 3D profile. This algorithm can be optimised for specific applications, achieving optimal performance in controlled environments with reduced noise and resolving signals down to 10 nanometres.

Key Features

High Precision

Detects sub-micrometric waves with unparalleled accuracy

Real-Time Monitoring

Provides immediate feedback on fluid surface profiles.

Versatile Applications

Suitable for a range of materials

Portable Design

Compact and easy to integrate into various settings


Streamlined design compatible with low production costs.

Get Involved

We are conducting a survey to gather insights from various industries on the challenges and needs related to surface measurement and monitoring. Your feedback will help us tailor and advance our technology to better serve your industry.

We would love to hear from you.

For more information or to discuss how our technology can benefit your industry, please contact.

Research & Commercial: Vitor Barroso vitor.barroso@nottingham.ac.uk

Research: Silke Weinfurtner


Commercial: Peter McLeod peter.mcleod@nottingham.ac.uk